Understanding Interior Design from Experts

Understanding about interior design will certainly not be optimal if it only refers to one definition or understanding. In order to deepen your understanding, it’s good to know the meaning from different academics or experts.

Interior design is a process of compiling and creating interior elements or elements into a single unit and interconnected between one element and another. The goal is to achieve aesthetic, comfort, and security aspects in a room in a building.

Interior Design Principles


The principle of balance is to keep the user’s brain in balance. The balance of a space can be achieved by three methods as follows

  • Symmetrical
  • Asymmetric
  • Radial

Emphasis / Focal Point

The emphasis principle emphasizes that the center point or focal point of a space should be more attractive and all other elements of the space should arise from that point. Therefore, the point of convergence must be painstakingly planned with amazing surface, variety, size and shape.


The principle of contrast refers to a change in the color or luminance of an object. An object can be brightly colored and the object next to it can be brightly colored here the contrast varies. In addition, contrast can be achieved through form and space. Contrast makes dull objects more beautiful by placing them next to lighter objects.

Scale And Proportion

Both ofScale and proportion have show the relationship between two different objects or two parts of an object. Scale refers to size only, while proportion refers to size, quality, color, etc.

Rhythm / Rhythm

The principle of rhythm design is based on the arrangement of interior design elements in a space. The arrangement or layout should create a rhythm and impression in your mind when you see it.

Unity And Harmony

Unity or unity is integration which means the arrangement of various elements into a unified and harmonious whole. In this case, all elements support each other and form a unified whole, not excessive or lacking.

The way to form this unity is to apply a design theme. The dominant idea will shape the style in the design. The visuals selected must be set with or to support the theme.

Interior Design Elements


Color is an important element of interior design. It plays an important role as the customer can decide on the whole design just by looking at the color, take a deep look on HomeDesignInstitute.com to get a reference color. Color should be used in such a way that it represents its function and provides good comfort.


Light is an important factor not only as an interior design element, but also as an important consideration in building construction. Proper lighting is very important for users to carry out their activities comfortably.


A shape is a dimensional area defined by the lines and angles of an object. When two or more shapes are combined, they are called shapes.


Space is an important element of interior design. It is nothing but the area available to allow for different purposes. Space can be divided into two types.

  • Two-dimensional space
  • Three-dimensional space


Lines are marks that define shapes and create shapes. In general, there are three types of lines as follows:

  • Horizontal line
  • Vertical lines
  • Dynamic lines


Texture is nothing more than a sensation created by looking at an object or by touching it. In interior design, texture is generally divided into

  • Visual textures
  • Real textures

By kikui