A large number of Internet users who have decided to try themselves as an investor thinks for a long time about which cryptocurrency to purchase. Some are attractive now, but have no prospects, while others are unremarkable now, but have development opportunities. One interesting option is Stellar with their Lumen Coins.

Let’s see why this cryptocurrency can be considered promising for investment, why you shouldn’t transfer stellar to coti, Ripple and other tokens, but rather save it for a few months!

Stellar Lumen Coin

This open-source payment network has its own cryptocurrency token called Lumen. According to the requirements of the system, each account must be supported by several lumens (at least 1). The commission for all financial transactions is small — it is only 0.00001 Lumen. Many do not understand why such meager commissions are needed at all, but this is logical:

  • the system processes millions of financial transactions daily, so the earnings are quite large;
  • the presence of a minimum commission prevents fraudsters from spamming transactions.

The presence of its own token allows the system not to stop at one currency — now Lumen works as a universal payment method. They are mainly used as payment for Stellar services, but they are often purchased for investment.

Development Path 

Customers hardly heard of Stellar until 2021, when its price peaked (108% increase), although the system itself was created in 2014. Unlike other cryptocurrencies that quickly gained popularity and quickly disappeared from the market, Stellar is growing slowly but surely. Over the past year, experts have noticed the following features:

  • the total amount of payments through the system increased by more than 350%;
  • the number of accounts increased by 35%;
  • the data volume of cryptocurrency tokens on the decentralized rialto has increased by more than 960%.

In addition, the price of the coin itself almost doubled from $0.13 to $0.27 (not counting critical fluctuations in the exchange rate with a peak value of $0.70).


The prospect of this token is not only in slow and stable strengthening. The fact is that the developers of the system are constantly collaborating with a huge number of well-known companies such as IBM World Wire and MoneyGram. The number of investments for the development of the network is large, so it is likely that the prices of tokens will increase within a few years.

By kikui