Curriculum Vitae (CV) ownership is certainly a must for those who want to apply for a job. Almost certainly, in every job vacancy distributed by a company, they must ask applicants to submit a cover letter along with a CV so that they can consider anyone qualified to then take another test.
In our article entitled ‘Tips and Points in Making a CV’, we have pretty much explained what a CV is and how important CV ownership is for those of you who want to apply for a job. So, if you have anyone who wants to know more deeply, you can just click the link above.
For this article, we will only discuss how to make a good and correct CV. Of course, for those who are just making a CV for the first time, this is certainly one of the things that are quite heavy considering the neatness and creativity in making a CV is quite calculated for some companies.
On that basis, there are now a lot of people who learn to create a CV with content that is as good and unique as possible, ranging from design to authorship layout. That is true, because the better the CV content created, the greater your chances of taking the job interview test later. But that must be considered, do not let because you are busy taking care about good CV content, then you immediately forget how to make the right CV.
So, our intention here is to set the record straight that several things must be considered to make a good and correct CV. Well, for more details, let’s see how exactly how to make a good and correct CV below:
1. Know the Company to Buy
In making a CV (Curriculum Vitae), of course, it is necessary to dig at a company that we want to apply for. This is commonly called job research. Why is it important? Because the CV is the beginning where the HRD company that we want to apply to consider, whether we will pass the administrative test or not. Therefore, this is very important to do.
How to do Job Research to produce a good and correct CV?
The most important way of course is to find out any of the requirements set by the company. This is certainly important, considering all companies must want to know how prepared we are in applying. For that, as best as possible pay attention to every little thing required by the company, such as the parts related to the position offered, namely the skills that applicants must have, work experience, and also the age of the applicant.
In addition to paying attention to the requirements set by the company, also pay attention to the profiles owned by the company. For example, we read the vision, mission, work ethic of employees in the company and also the values that are always upheld by the company in the company. From the information that is excavated, we can certainly sort out which parts need to be included in the CV later.
2. Good and correct CV resources.
Looking for examples to make a good and correct CV is certainly a very important thing to do, especially for those who are the first time will apply for a job and need a CV as a requirement.
Why is that?
Because from some examples we see, we will also be able to produce a good CV and attract the company’s HRD. If we have often seen various examples of CVs scattered on the internet, we will know that the contents of the CV are more or less as follows:
1. Identity: Contains full name, phone number, email, and address that can be contacted.
2. Personality: Contains a picture of self-character.
3. Education: Contains information about the last education, GPA, and the major taken.
4. Skills: Contains the skills possessed.
5. Work Experience: This contains about the work experience that has been passed before applying for a new job.
6. Training or Training: This contains the various kinds of training that have been followed for approximately the last 3 years.
7. Other information: Contains various things that can be seeded, ranging from hobbies, references, or other things related to the work that is in the room.
8. Determine the Design of the CV As Attractive as Possible
After knowing various examples of existing CVs, then the task that must be done next is to determine the design as attractive as possible. To find out the interesting CV designs, for example, of course, there are quite a lot spread on the internet.
The function of this attractive CV design is to make the company you want to be lured and feel that you are the right person to follow the next stages. In addition, the company that is invited will feel that you are serious about applying for a job.
Although you are free to determine the design of an attractive CV, it does not mean it can make you forget the benefits of the actual CV. Make an interesting CV, but still correct according to its function. Make sure the design of the CV you choose can make readers (hrd company) can understand well the information you write on the CV. In addition, the selection of colors as a background and also the provision of restrictions for each part of the CV can also help the company’s HRD to understand what you are informing.
Start Writing CV
In addition to interesting, the correct CV is written.
Haha, of course. How would you apply for a job if the CV you have is just wishful thinking? For that, as much as possible, after you have done company research, CV research, and also determine a good CV design, immediately to make a good and correct CV.
Some of the steps that can be done when writing a CV are as follows:
1. Always include your identity
For the creation of a CV or whatever it is, giving self-identity is certainly something that should not be forgotten. Giving a self-identity can be useful for the company to know your basic profile and can also be useful for the company to contact you if there is additional information.
This identity includes several things, namely the full name, address, phone number, email, and also social media. In addition, to give an idea of yourself, do not forget to include your latest photos. Just tips, to support your success in passing the administrative test, when including photos, and photos when you wear formal clothes in a style that is not rigid.
2. List a clear Level of Education
The contents of the CV certainly contain about the level of education. Therefore, put a clear level of education to produce a good CV. The level of education must be written according to the smallest to the largest, such as from kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, to high school. However, for now, most companies ask us to include the last level of education only. So, pay attention clearly to what the terms of the company are applied yes.
3. List your skills and achievements
Describing the skills and achievements that have been done will certainly make the CV look very attractive. This can certainly be made in various ways, such as making in the form of paragraphs, bullets, and numbering, or by creating a diagram that can describe your skills and achievements. It is certainly an option, but obviously, do not forget to list the skills and achievements you have to produce a good and correct CV.
4. List the Work Experience and Training that has been done.
Just like the skills and achievements of work above, for writing work experience and also this training can be made according to the three categories above (paragraphs, bullets, and numbering, or diagrams). To look more professional, including work experience and job-related training that you apply for so that it will make the company’s HR will feel that you are a potential candidate to choose.
Of course, here we want to remind you not to forget to include this section because here is the initial capital for you to show who you are and how much experience you have gained before.
5. Read and Analyze the CV that has been made.
This is the last step to take before you will apply for a CV to apply for a job. Usually, the CV made at the beginning is not perfect. Therefore, reading and analyzing the CV that has been made will certainly make your chances to produce a good and correct CV even higher.
By reading and analyzing the CV that has been made, you will know anything that is lacking and you can immediately add to it before you finally have made up your mind to send the CV.